K-Manufacturing Digital Platform

K-Manufacturing Digital Platform

  • K-Manufacturing Digital Platform
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옴니채널을 기반으로하여 국내외 바이어와 국내 제조기업을 연결하고, 수주 및 납품을 통해 기업의 수익을 창출하는 기업협력 디지털플랫폼입니다.
제조업 브랜드 가치 제고, SMILE 생산기술과 함께 한국생산기술연구원의 옴니채널을 통해 국내 제조기업의 우수한 제조기술을 확인해보세요.

'K-Manufacturing Digital Platform' is a omni-channel based digital platform that connects domestic and foreign buyers with domestic manufacturing companies based on omni-channel and generates profits for companies through orders and delivery.
We promote the excellent manufacturing technology of domestic manufacturing companies through omni-channels (YouTube, Shorts, Instagram, Facebook, Naver, etc.) to support orders with domestic and foreign buyers.
For the successful delivery of domestic manufacturing companies, we support R&D, property evaluation and certification of buyer-demanded products.

  • 담당자안건호
  • 문의처041-589-8241
  • E-mailaghmot@kitech.re.kr